Head of the branch - Alexey N. ANOKHIN
Doctor of Science (engineering), Professor, Head of Computer-Aided Control Systems Department, Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (INPE NRNU MEPhI)
Head of the branch - Sergey A. MISHCHIK
Candidate of Science (pedagogy), Docent, Docent of the Physics Department at Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University
Address: 93, Lenin av., Novorossisk Krasnodar Krai, 353918, Russia
Телефон: +7 (918) 699-60-80
e-mail: ergo-gmu@mail.ru
Kursk Regional Branch
Head of the branch - Anatoly I. PANKRUSHEV
Сhief designer of operational controls in V.V. Tarasov JSC "Aviaavtomatika"
Address: Zapolnaya str., 47, Kursk 305042, Russia
e-mail: aip49@mail.ru
Mari El Regional Branch
Head of the branch - Igor V. PETUKHOV
Doctor of Science (engineering), Docent, Vice-rector for Development and International Cooperation of the Volga State University of Technology
Address: Lenin sq., 3, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, Russia
Telephone: +7 (8362) 45-30-45
e-mail: PetuhovIV@volgatech.net
Moscow Branch
Head of the branch - Igor G. GORODETSKY
Candidate of Science (chemistry), Professor (Moscow)
Head of the branch - Pavel I. PADERNO
Doctor of Science (engineering), Professor, Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation, Professor in the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Address: Vasya Alekseev Str., 11, ap. 26, Saint Petersburg 198188, Russia
Telephone: +7 (812) 784-68-80,
e-mail: pipaderno@list.ru
Sverdlovsk Regional Branch
Head of the branch - Vladimir L. AVERBUKH
Candidate of Science (engineering), Senior Scientist, Head of Department in the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Docent in the Ural Federal University
Address: IMM UrO RAN, Sofia Kovalevskaya Str., 16, Ekaterinburg 620990, Russia
Telephone: +7 (343) 362-81-45
e-mail: averbukh@imm.uran.ru
Website: www.cv.imm.uran.ru
Sevastopol Branch
Head of the branch - Svetlana A. FEDOROVA
Candidate of Science (pedagogy), Docent, Head of NPP Chemical Technologies Department in the Institute for Nuclear Energy and Industry of the Sevastopol State University
Head of the branch - Vladimir M. LVOV
Doctor of Science (engineering and psychology), Professor, Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation, General Director of the Institute for Ergonomics and Social-Ergonomics Technoligies